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[Darksky]Re: [magnitude6] International Workshop (fwd)
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Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2003 14:22:28 +0200 (CEST)
From: Jan Hollan <jhollan@amper....muni.cz>
To: Jan Hollan <jenik@amper....muni.cz>
Subject: Re: [magnitude6] International Workshop
I will definitely come for the whole meeting, I can speak on any topic you
would consider as appropriate. Of course, it would be like bringing wood
into the middle of the forest... (a Czech proverb). Perhaps a note on the
even lower influence of the steep-upward going light to the sky luminance,
than your drafts suggest (due to the mostly forward-directed scattering).
I will bring the Cologne (http://www.uni-koeln.de/symposium2002)
proceedings with me, but any main lecture on the health effects should be
given by a doctor of medicine, not by a physicist...
I still try to get some other people to be sent to Frascati by our
Ministry (I hope they will finance my trip), but nobody has responded yet
that she/he would like to attend. I'll try to move the leading Czech
environmental lawyer to come -- the key person who could influence
the future development in our country.
PS. I'm afraid there has been a deadline already, so consider please this
letter as both my application and its confirmation... I could come for
more days, if it would suit you.
> Dear friends,
> I remember to you that from may 1 to 4 the LPIW - Light Pollution International Workshop will be held in Frascati, near Rome. It will be an exceptional possibility to meet and discuss on the LP and, for you that has not yet seen Rome...an occasion to have a nice holiday!
> Here you find the preliminary program. For additional info see: http://lpiw.uai.it/
> I hope to see you in Frascati.
> Fabio Falchi