Science In Africa - Practical Action 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

Kenya - summer 2008

KEFRI - Kenya Forestry Research Institute
TMSC school
Lake Victoria - water treatment
OSIENALA - Friends of Lake Victoria
Solar cooker
Solar fruit dryer
St. Julie Centre
Jamhury tree nursery
Tumaini tree nursery
Oscar Oyalo and his agroforestry farm
Malava landslide restoration
Firewood burning clay stoves
Charcoal dust recyclation
Tumaini 2nd Environmental Seminar

Oscar Oyalo and his agroforestry farm

Picture: Oscar Oyalo's agroforestry farm
Oscar Oyalo's agroforestry farm.

Picture: Terases

Picture: Oscar Oyalo
Oscar Oyalo holding a bunch of calliandra seeds.

Picture: Calliandra flowers
Beautiful flowers of Calliandra calothyrsus.

Picture: Erosion control
Excellent erosion control.

Picture: Erosion control 2
