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[Svetlo]Digest Number 209 (fwd)

Výstižné vylíčení, jak strašné jsou oslňující lampy pro staré lidi, kterým
zničí jejich domov, jsem vybral ze včerejšího soupisu DarkSky-list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 14 Jan 2001 20:39:35 -0000
From: DarkSky-list@egroups...
To: DarkSky-list@egroups...
Subject: Digest Number 209

Message: 2
   Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 07:04:34 -0600
   From: "keedos@..." <keedos@earthlink...>
Subject: Re: Halophane "Arlington"

Patric wrote:  >This is a fixture our electric utility is "allowing" a
local retirement community to use when they requested FCO pole-top
fixtures.  It's supposed to be an Acorn-substitute, but the architects
also tell me it will be 100W HPS mounted on a 12' pole. (alarm bells going

My Mom might have called 100-watts at 12' cruelty. For a while she wore a
visor cap if she went out at night to help protect her eyes from glare.
Later she just got home before dark. This woman was not afraid of the
dark, in fact she loved the night, but she was afraid of what glaring
lights, especially those at her apartment did to her ability to see.

Aging eyes need softened contrasts. Any light outdoors should allow eyes
to remain relaxed. Low light where necessary from hidden sources lets you
lift your head, look around, identify what's in the dark without fear of a
glare attack.

The soft white light at my favorite installation falls through flat black
grids in shoeboxes at about 12'. No visible source unless you're almost
under them looking up. I strongly recommend lighting like this for
retirement communities.
