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[Svetlo]Pred sto lety...

V mailingistu OutdoorLighting-Forum@egroups...
jsem dnes našel pěkný citát z pěkné knihy 
 (s knihou lze začít např. na

Citát sice ještě neslaví centenium, ale už k tomu nemá daleko. Můžeme jej
v roce 2006 oprášit ještě jednou...


   Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 17:43:25 -0400 (EDT)
   From: John McMahon <mcmahon@MAPLE...LEMOYNE.EDU>
Subject: Lowell quote

      Just came across this by Percival Lowell from 1906
      (cited at www.astronomica.org/textbook/text/CH01.html):

     "Smoke from multiplying factories . . . has joined with electric
      lighting to help put out the stars. These concomitants of an advancing
      civilization have succeeded above the dreams of the most
      earth-centered in shutting off sight of the beyond, so that today few
      city-bred children have any conception of the glories of the
      heavens which made of the Chaldean shepherds astronomers in spite
      of themselves."