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Re: [strawbale] Help needed?

Jan Pfleiderer wrote:
> Hello Strawbalers,
> bad news from Switzerland, indeed.
> Is there any chance to get a hold of Mr. Kunz and his version of the
> story? In my oppinion we should give both sides a chance to tell their
> version of this desaster, if they are interested.
> But anyways, the problem is there, undoubtfully, and the question is,
> if the European Strawbale Network can provide any help. And even more
> important: Is this help wanted by family Föllmi?
> It is a difficult situation. Herbert, do you have any further
> information about this case, the clients, the architect? Do you think,
> it is a good idea to ask them, whether there is some help wanted or
> not? I don't want to create any kind of hope I might not be able to
> give in the end.
> I will be in Switzerland by the middle of next month and can offer to
> arrange a meeting with this family, if they are interested.
> Herbert, can you ask them, if they are interested in having more
> 'baleheads' around their house? I could make a documentation of this
> case, but we should ask ourselves: Would this be of any help for
> family Föllmi? What would be the next steps? Do we want to help them
> or do we want to satisfy our own curiosity? I personally prefer the
> first alternative.
> A few more oppinions would be helpful, folks!
> Jan

Thank you Jan,
lets hear Ruedis version before we discuss any further.
I know him as an authentic person and do trust him.
oekofacta@bluewin... is the email adress of Ruedi Kunz. This for
everyone who wants to contact him.
(Ruedi, meld dich bitte, ich werds notfalls übersetzen.)

Something else, is anyone interested in a used plaster mixer/pump.
Its a "Putzmeister" ( german fabricate) AND IT CAN BE PULLED BY A CAR
LIKE A TRAILER. Its a tough,proffesional maschine with a heavy electric
Axel, since you also use one, could you tell how many m2 of clay plaster
you can make with it per hour?
The price is 1500,- Euro incl. hoses and everything.
I could imagine to buy and use this machine together with other
shareholders in the Netherlands, Belgium and Northrhine- Westfalia. 
