[Strawbale]moisture questionnaire: please help!

Mark Bigland-Pritchard // Low Energy Design hyphen at dial....com
Thu May 6 00:09:11 CEST 2004

  I tried to send the following message to this list last week.  I think 
it failed because I added a fairly large attachment (maybe Jan or Simon 
could confirm this?).

Dear all

As part of my PhD work on strawbale building and moisture, I would like 
to get a broader picture of the worldwide experience.  I have therefore 
prepared a questionnaire - I would be grateful if as many people as 
possible would download it and return it to me.  You can find it in 
either of two places:  
 - on my own website at 
 , or
 - in the "files" section of the sb-r-us site at 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SB-r-us/files/  , in a folder called 
"moisture questionnaire".  You need to join the sb-r-us conference in 
order to access this.
 - Alternatively, if you can't get into either of those, email me at 
hyphen at dial....com and I'll send you a copy direct.
At present, I only have it available in Word 2000 (.doc) and .rtf formats.

Questionnaire responses are welcome from anyone who is responsible for a 
completed strawbale building.  Obviously, the more responses I get, the 
more useful my work will be to the strawbale community as a whole.  All 
responses should come directly to me at hyphen at dial....com

(The PhD will eventually be published online in some form or other - I 
haven't checked out the university's views on copyright in this regard, 
but I'm sure I can at least publish the most useful bits.  The core of 
my work is about getting at the basic physical properties of straw; but 
from that I expect to be able to come up with a set of [tentative but 
scientifically argued] guidelines for any location based on its 
meteorological data.  If you want to know more, ask me.)

I would be _particularly_ grateful for any responses from temperate 
maritime climates (with the terms interpreted fairly broadly).  In case 
you're not sure whether I include you in that description, check whether 
your location is on the following list:
 - Sweden:  coastal, south of 59deg N
 - Norway:  coastal, south of 61deg N
 - Denmark:  all
 - Germany:  Bremen/Bremerhaven, Niedersachsen north of 53deg N, 
Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
 - Netherlands:  all
 - Belgium:  all
 - France:  west coast north of Bordeaux,  Bretagne,  Normandie,  Picardie
 - England: all
 - Wales: all
 - Scotland: all
 - Northern Ireland: all
 - Republic of Ireland: all
 - Iceland:  southern coast
 - Canada (E):  maritime provinces; Newfoundland; Gulf of St Lawrence 
coast of Quebec
 - USA (E):  coastal strip of New England
 - USA (W):  Alaska: coastal zone south of 61deg N
 - Canada (W):  British Columbia: coastal zone and islands
 - USA (NW):  coastal Washington, Oregon & North California:  north of 
38deg N, west of Cascades / Sierra Nevada
 - Chile:  between 41deg S and 50deg S
 - New Zealand:  South Island; North Island south of 39deg S
 - Australia:  Tasmania, coastal Victoria
 - Japan:  Hokkaido;  Honshu north of 36deg N
 - Russia:  Kamchatka, Sakhalin

I would also be grateful if people could forward this questionnaire to 
folks in those areas who might not otherwise see it.

All responses should come directly to me at hyphen at dial....com

Many thanks for your assistance
Mark Bigland-Pritchard
Bristol,  England

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