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ROLO results

Dear Hugh Kieffer,

I am very curious about the results of the ROLO project -- knowing how
bright the Moon really is would help promotion of non-polluting outdoor
lighting (both by being able to say more accurately the illumination by it
and by being able to use it for calibration for measurement of nighttime
illumination and luminances, having some estimate of the extinction
coefficient). Any preliminary result would also be a wonderful possibility
to raise the issue of natural (and often quite sufficient for many
purposes) nighttime illumination in the world media.

I've checked once more today the 
   Linkname: Robotic Lunar Observatory
        URL: http://wwwflag.wr.usgs.gov/USGSFlag/Space/LunarTel/index.html
 but it seems to be no news since two years there.

I wrote a programme (see e.g.
   Linkname: [Darksky]Re: Moon Light
        URL: http://amper.ped.muni.cz/darksky/a/msg00021.html ) 
 which gives photometric information regarding celestial bodies, but of
course its most important part (the Moon) is rather inaccurate. I would
like to have far better photometric data for it (summary ones would do).

Is there any prospect that some ROLO project results would be available?

with best regards,

Jenik Hollan