This applet illustrates coupled
oscillations of a linear chain of identical
noninteracting bodies connected to each other and to fixed endpoints by
identical ideal springs. All bodies start from rest, and their initial
positions can be set either by sliding them along the track or by
clicking on one of the light blue bars in the frequency spectrum, which
puts the system into its corresponding normal mode. The normalized
frequency spectrum (square of amplitude versus frequency)
of the resulting motion is shown by the dark blue bars.
The unit of frequency is the natural frequency of one of the masses
connected to a single spring with one end fixed. (Hence, the frequency
of oscillation when there is a single body in the chain is sqrt(2).)
Instructions for use
- Choose the number of bodies using the popup menu provided.
- Choose the initial positions by either
- sliding the bodies with the mouse (distance from equilibrium shown
above body); or
- clicking on one of the light blue bars in the frequency spectrum.
- Click "start".
- Click "stop" to stop the motion.
- Repeat as often as desired.