Unprecedented pace of global warming caused by a
0.7 W/m2
radiative disbalance of the Earth
(oceans absorbing 10 ZJ/a, some 93 % of the whole)
leads to
disruption of climate
and, together with ocean acidification, to disruption of
ecosystem services considered to be granted up to now, implying
disruption of human society as well. Global warming (of air just over
the Earth surface) is a convenient index (a
single number as a function of time), but the full picture of
its consequences is
something much more serious – demanding a descriptive term
as given in the heading. As the
Wake Up, Freak Out film
puts it at its end:
‘These are extraordinary times.
Preventing runaway global warming is the
most important task in all of human history,
and it has fallen to us
to do it.
If we don't, then everything else
we work to achieve in our lives
will be destroyed,
or become meaningless...
Those who came before us
didn't know about this problem,
and those who come after
will be powerless to do anything about it...
But for us,
there's still time!
We'd better get
a move on though.’
click for a Czech index with more info / index česky, rozsáhlejší)
New – Czech translations:
IPCC report from August 2018, Climate Change and Land,
assembled to a single pdf,
ipcc_cz/srCCL subdirectory
IPCC report from October 2018, Global warming of 1.5 K,
assembled to a single pdf (and supplements of chapters to another one),
ipcc_cz/sr15 subdirectory
Educational materials for Faculty of Education
created since 2012
Czech versions of figures from "AR5 WG I", IPCC 2013, incl.
their vector formats
Summary of UNEP's Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and
Tropospheric Ozone
from 2011
Special Report Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and
Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX)
- Czech SPM of the 2011 IPCC publication
Global Warming – Tipping Points –
Dr. Hansen's text and slides from June 23, 2008 testimony.
- Say Barack Obama the truth –
the whole truth.
Appeal by Dr. Hansen from November 2008. A more detailed look
on the means how the CO2 concentration could be
brought below 350 ppm, and what means should be avoided.
cz (or ukrainian) subtitles for films Wake up Freak Out
and Inconvenient Truth.
Editorial of the
56 newspapers Fourteen days to seal the history's judgment on this
December 7, 2009
The Copenhagen Diagnosis, November 2009
(complete Czech translation October 2010)
Nobel prize winners statement:
Memorandum from the St. James Palace,
May 2009
The Copenhagen Call
from the World business summit on climate change
Shaping the sustainable economy,
May 2009
Agriculture and climate:
German report “Klimaretter bio?” and new and translated
documents on biochar,
Oct. 2009
EEA Report 4/2008, –
Impacts of Europe's changing
climate – 2008 indicator-based assessment
Background to
Covenant of Mayors
from Oct 2008, prepared for Brno so that it could
deliberate its accession (some translations, but mostly an original document)
WWF studies
from October 2008 –
Climate Change: faster, stronger, sooner,
from August 2009 –
Arctic climate feedbacks: global implications
Framework Greenhouse Development Rights
from September 2008
Climate Change as a Security Risk,
report of German Advisory Council on Global Change –
tranlation of Summary for Policymakers
Summaries for policymakers from
Climate Change 2007 by IPCC, Czech figures for them, and Glossary from the Synthetic report
(also Summary of a report
Climate change and water, June 2008
and a 2010 commentary on ‘errors’)-
Stromsparen: weniger Kosten,
weniger Kraftwerke, weniger CO2, a study
by the German Umweltbundesamt, from Aug 2007
Executive Summary of the Stern review
Ekonomic aspects of climate change (January 2007)
Meeting the Climate Challege
( 2005)
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
My recommendation for anybody interested in physics of climate change:
Otherwise, the present page is a rather old site, originally just
in Czech. Still, there are some parts which
can be used internationally.
You can see the
directories only, skipping this index.en.html.
Another sites:
Contemporary science is presented and discussed at
Old and new nonsenses are explained at
many in Czech and Slovak as well
(further translations
are here).
News are at
(e.g., on the warming during past five years using an
article from the above address.
Everybody should follow 350.org.
A Czech news and education site is
and veronica.cz/klima.
news are by Alexander Ač.
hollan at ped . muni . cz
Jan Hollan
Phone: +420 5 41 32 12 87