Image 30
| original | colour coded
and with an inserted data grid:
(in the middle of tiles, median of raw G-pixels values is given,
the bottom value is the tile luminance divided
by one candela per square meter).
# Date/Time : 2005:08:05 01:10:25
# Resolution : 2048 x 1536 in jpeg (2064x1540 in pgm/30.pgm)
# Focal length : 23.4mm
# Exposure time: 0.017 s (1/60)
# Aperture : f/4.0
# ISO equiv. : 100
#c li count min Yav max ovf min Cav max ovf min Gav max ovf min Mav max ovf
# % Y C G M readings Y C G M L / cd/m2
1 -38 -40 -46 -42 -2.17 -2.42 -3.26 -3.14 -1.85
10 -22 -22 -24 -22 -1.26 -1.33 -1.70 -1.65 -1.12
50 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
90 22 22 24 22 1.26 1.33 1.70 1.65 1.12
99 40 40 46 40 2.29 2.42 3.26 2.99 1.99
100 16314 16300 16302 16300 932 987 1.16E3 1.22E3 865
# flux from 0.0680 sr ( 8.61E-8 sr/4px) is 0.00340 lx;
# tilewise luminance 0.0515 cd/m2 with rel. SD 607 % (summing pixels below 16380)
# dark frame dark/off.pgm subtracted from all values
# Yell average= 0.8 minimum= -90 maximum=16314 over 16380: 5
# Cyan average= 0.5 minimum= -80 maximum=16300 over 16380: 2
# Gree average= 0.6 minimum= -102 maximum=16302 over 16380: 11
# Mage average= 0.2 minimum= -242 maximum=16300 over 16380: 4
End of results of "raw2lum" (version 1.22) with parameters:
-c YCGM -fa -w 7.3 -fc1.03 -o 16380 -d dark/off.pgm -sm200 -nh -i 30.txt -e 30.eps -n 30.ppm -t168 -c 3412 -s64 pgm/30.pgm
Just points with luminances over 50 and below 6.0E2 cd/m2.
In grid tiles, flux densities from these points and tiles are given.
# Date/Time : 2005:08:05 01:10:25
# Resolution : 2048 x 1536 in jpeg (2064x1540 in pgm/30.pgm)
# Focal length : 23.4mm
# Exposure time: 0.017 s (1/60)
# Aperture : f/4.0
# ISO equiv. : 100
#c li count min Yav max ovf min Cav max ovf min Gav max ovf min Mav max ovf
# % Y C G M readings Y C G M L / cd/m2
1 -38 -40 -46 -42 -2.17 -2.42 -3.26 -3.14 -1.85
10 -22 -22 -24 -22 -1.26 -1.33 -1.70 -1.65 -1.12
50 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
90 22 22 24 22 1.26 1.33 1.70 1.65 1.12
99 40 40 46 40 2.29 2.42 3.26 2.99 1.99
100 16314 16300 16302 16300 932 987 1.16E3 1.22E3 865
# flux from 1.20E-5 sr ( 8.61E-8 sr/4px) is 0.00231 lx;
# tilewise luminance 6.00 cd/m2 with rel. SD 553 % (points with luminances over 50 and below 6.0E2 )
# dark frame dark/off.pgm subtracted from all values
# Yell average=3239.9 minimum= -90 maximum=16314 out of range: 794494
# Cyan average=2895.5 minimum= -80 maximum=16300 out of range: 794491
# Gree average=2619.2 minimum= -102 maximum=16302 out of range: 794500
# Mage average=2688.9 minimum= -242 maximum=16300 out of range: 794493
End of results of "raw2lum" (version 1.22) with parameters:
-c YCGM -ft -w 7.3 -fc1.03 -o 16380 -L50 -U600 -d dark/off.pgm -sm200 -nh -i 30.txt -e 30.eps -n 30.ppm -t168 -c 3412 -s64 pgm/30.pgm

Logarithmic luminance scale (the unit is candela per square meter)
– intensities of snow illuminance in lux would be obtained by
multiplying the numeric value of luminance by 3.6. For asphalt,
such a coefficient is between 20 and 40
(or much less, for specular reflection of distant lamps)