Hi Nikki
Tis hard to know exactly what you mean by the gaps,
but to stop the straw falling out you can stuff it in then tack hessian or
sacking over it before plastering. Also, I don't think you need to be too
worried by moisture getting into the straw in your shower. As long as you have a
surface that throws the water off well, as adding 1% linseed oil to the lime
wash would do, and that the bottom of the bale can never be standing in water,
the straw will deal with the moisture itself. You actually have to really try to
create a moisture problem for it to start affecting the straw. You are not
expecting to have more than one shower, perhaps two per day are you? or do you
hold meetings in there?
Best wishes
Amazon Nails: Strawbale building, training,
www.strawbalefutures.org.uk Building
With Straw Bales by Barbara Jones Ł9.50 post-free from Amazon Nails or from
Green Books Warning! Strawbale building can seriously
transform your life!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 2:00
Subject: [Strawbale] newspaper insulation
and waterproofing
Hi folks, First, thanks for the replies on waterproofing the
bathroom. I am actually attracted to the idea of the paint from holland
of which I should recieve a sample soon. The linseed oil idea sounds
good too, but I understand that is only makes the plaster water-resistent, and
I am talking about direct contact with water (in a homemade shower stall), so
I need a water-proof solution. . .. If I go with the tiles I will let
you know, Barbara.
so here´s my new lo-tech question:
There are some gaps created by carpentry that i want to insulate before
covering. Most of these will be filled with loose straw, but in some
areas it would by hard to use straw because it will fall out. I had
thought of using wadded up newspaper to fill in these difficult spots.
Any comments on that idea? I remember someone in the Austria reunion
talking about the uses of newspaper, but who?
thanks, Rikki
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