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[Svetlo]Bashing Jackass

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<font color="#ffff00">Jason "Wee Man" Acuna</font>, the most famous <font
 color="#ffff00">Jackass</font>, is in a new movie:<br>
<h2><font color="#ffff00">Bashing</font></h2>
<i>"...made me want to tape up my knuckles and hit someone for money."</i><br>
Bashing, The Movie is a provocative mix of action, fights, social commentary
and cutting humor, and the <font color="#ffff00">Limited Edition DVD is a
must own</font> for all Jackass fans, and especially fans of the Wee Man.
&nbsp;Bashing also stars Carrie Cain Sparks (<i>Rumble In The Bronx, XFiles</i>),
Ajmal, Lilly Lassen and Kim Estes. <br>
You can see the trailer online by going to <a
Get free downloads, photos, music and complete info about the film and Wee
Man! &nbsp;You need the latest Quicktime Player to view the trailer.<br>
Or, if you already know you must own Bashing, go straight to the distributor's
site at <a href="http://www.toughart.net/cart.html";>http://www.toughart.net/cart.html</a><br>
<font color="#33cc00">Note: &nbsp;Your email was referred to us from jackassluvr@hotmail...
as someone who would be interested in knowing about this movie. You are not
on an email list and your email address will not be revealed to third parties,
unless required by law.</font>