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[Svetlo]Par clanku ze sveta
Czech Republic Enacts Law Against Light Pollution
(To je z rozhovoru, co jsem mel minule utery vecer mel z Male Strany z
Pavlova mobilu, kratsi adresu a milou pobidku k jeho poslechu uvedla v OLF
Karolyn Beebe, nejvyznamnejsi svetova aktivistka ve veci kvalitniho
osvetlovani, skoro se cervenam,
We DO get to hear the Star of the Czech Republic's light
pollution law - our Jenik Hollan. He's in another audio 2nd
from the top of of the Lightfromabove News Archives:
http://www.lightfromabove.org/newsarchives/index.html )
Czech Republic Enacts World's First National Light Pollution Law
Light pollution law helps Czechs reclaim the stars
Czechs see the light on visual pollution
zdravi Jenik