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[Svetlo]Neighbor Friendly Lighting Award

Tady v Brne je jedna pumpa Shell, ktera by si takovy certifikat
zaslouzila. Ale ja jsem tam jen jednou tankoval, na internetu jsem ji
nenasel, zkusim najit telefon, abych je aspon pochvalil. 

zdravi Jenik

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 12 Mar 2001 14:59:31 -0000
From: DarkSky-list@yahoogroups...
To: DarkSky-list@yahoogroups...
Subject: Digest Number 264

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Help save your town from obtrusive lighting --
invite your planning and zoning department to
join us!  Ask them to visit the IDA website at
http://www.darksky.org today!

There are 2 messages in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

      1. A new endeavor
           From: ctstarwchr@aol...
      2. Re: A new endeavor
           From: SMallek@aol...


Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 02:57:19 EST
   From: ctstarwchr@aol...
Subject: A new endeavor


This is something that I have been wishing to do for a long time.  To raise 
awareness, boost PR and expand public outreach for the astronomical society 
that I belong to, and also to help others teach by example, I designed and 
plan to distribute the following award to businesses in communities around my 
area.  The award program and a sample of its certificate is shown here:


The ASGH Neighbor Friendly Lighting Award will be given to businesses that 
exhibit excellent outdoor lighting practices.  The main criteria to meet are:

1. Minimal direct light spilled beyond the property lines.
2. No visible glare spread into traffic lanes.
3. FCO luminaires are preferred but properly shielded floodlights may qualify.
4. Minimal lighting after business hours.  Lighting extinguished is preferred.
5. No overlighting.  Adhere to IESNA RP-33-99 and RP-20-98 minimum levels.
6. No unshielded wall packs allowed.  Soffit lighting and FCO wall packs 
7.  Sensor governed security and convenience lighting is a plus.

A letter of thanks and an explanation why the award was given will accompany 
the award with a request to frame and mount the certificate in a prominent 
area.  This will let visitors and employees see that a business earned this 
award for a good reason and maybe they will take a look at the lights around 
the property.  This may also get chatter going at Chamber of Commerce 
meetings after a while, thus generating an *envy factor* with other business 
owners.  This might also help to get support of business owners when 
attempting to get lighting regulations adopted, thus turning them opposing 
factors into sympathetic allies.

A note will also be sent to the editorial department of the nearest local 
newspaper and to the local planning and zoning department explaining who 
earned the award and why.  This will not only provide positive free 
advertising for the businesses, but it should open the eyes of the zoning 
officials and could also open a door with the media to get more upbeat LP 
related articles into the press. 

This program will begin by focusing on communities that I have been working 
on with awareness raising campaigns and presentations.  Any town or city that 
adopts and aggressively enforces comprehensive outdoor lighting regulations 
will also qualify to earn this award, but not until most of the obtrusive 
commercial and municipal outdoor lighting in the area has been addressed and 
brought into compliance.

Your comments on this endeavor are welcome.  How can it be improved and how 
might you initiate something similar in your community?  Have you done so 
already, and if so, how was it received?  Did it help get more businesses to 
install better lighting?  Feel free to emulate the design of the certificate 
if you wish to try it in your community.  The award was created using MS Word 
and then printed on certificate paper available from nearly every office 
supply store.

Clear skies and good seeing,
Keep looking up!

Cliff Haas
Chairman of Light Pollution Education
Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford

Light Pollution Awareness Website (LiPAW)

Do pink clouds adorn your night sky?  They shouldn't.
Please visit the IDA!  http://www.darksky.org
Help to see more stars in the night!  Join IDA today!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 2
   Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 08:22:29 EST
   From: SMallek@aol...
Subject: Re: A new endeavor

Hi, Cliff,

Great idea and a nice total package you presented. I, for one, have saved it 
and will incorporate the program into my efforts. Thanks, again!

Susan Campbell
Erie, PA


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