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Re: [Strawbale] Fire tests 2011 - valid for the whole EU

Dear Jenik,

This is great news! Thanks so much for sharing and à job well done.
It is very much appreciated.

Vriendelijke groet,
Dave Lambrechts 
Tuvalu Strobouw 

Op 12 nov. 2011 om 01:23 heeft Jan Hollan <jhollan@amper....muni.cz> het volgende geschreven:

> A successful Czech (hence, EU) test of fire resistance of a plastered strawbale wall has been done in June. Now the official protocols are available, too.
> As Jan RÅÅiÄka announced on the ESBG in Bouzov already, a specimen of a loadbearing strawbale wall, a 3 m square 0.58 m thick has been subjected to a standard fire test in June 2011. The inner (heated) side has been earth-plastered (5 cm), the outer side had a lime plaster (3 cm). Bales had 77 kg/m3 originally and 93 kg/m3 when fixed in the specimen.  During the test, the load on the specimen had been 12 kN/m (so, like 360 kg on the whole specimen). The wall had endured for 144 min, test was stopped then due to the vertical deformation exceeding the allowed limit (this happend shortly after a large part of the earth plaster fell down).
> Another pair of specimens has been tested as well, one of them using strawbales as insulation (41 cm thick) in a wooden construction, earth plastered, loaded by 20 kN/m. This test had to be finished after 69 min due to a failure of the other specimen; the strawbale-filled one remained almost intact. So it had been declared to comply with requirements for at least 60 min.
> For a longer text on the issue, with some images and
> with all needed URLs, including those to the protocols, see
> http://amper.ped.muni.cz/jenik/straw/tests/FiretestStrawCZ.pdf
> So, walls of such constructions, if not subject to larger loads than the tested ones, can be used in EU without any fire-related legal obstacles now!
> with best regards,
> Jenik
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