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Re: [Strawbale] ESBG 2011 and the future of strawbale building

Dear strawbalers and SB-networkers
please make your corrections, if your contact is wrong
or if you know a european strawbale-networker, who is missing on this list!

Some facts and datas about the "European Strawbale Network":

There is a european homepage at http://www.strawbale-net.eu
edited by Nora Kasanická and Vladimír Brucker

Most of the european countries have network(er)s:

Austria: asbn, Herbert Gruber, asbn@baubiologie...
Belgium: Casa Calida, Geert Goffin, geert.goffin@telenet...
Bosnia-Herzegovina: Re:Element, Jasmina Colic, jasminac@gmail...
Czech Republic: Permalot Centre, Max Vittrup Jennsen, max@permalot...
    Straw Works, Jakub Wihan, kuba@jakubwihan...
Denmark (?): Lars Keller, lars_keller@hotmail...
Estonia: Equilibre, Sven Aluste, sven.aluste@esna...
France: Les Compaillons, Eric Handrich, eric.handrich@compaillons...
    South of France: Le Gabion, Richard Lacortiglia, lacortiglia@free...
Germany: Fasba, Sissy Hein, sh@fasba... & Olaf Eggers, oe@fasba...
Hungary: Hsbn, Attila Meszaros, tilla@szalmahaz...
Italy: La Boa, Stefano Soldati, casadipaglia@hotmail...
Latvia: Cesis, Alex Lubinskis, alex.lubinskis@gmail...
Lithuania: Straw Buildings Builders' Association, Edita Milutiene,
Netherlands: Strobouw Nederland, Wouter Klijn, wouter@strobouw...
Norway (?): NJH Norwegian Strawbale org., Rolf Jacobsen,
Poland (?): Piotr Kaczmarek, biuro@smakoszyki....pl, http://strawbale.pl
Portugal: Catarina Pinto, catarinapinto@terrapalha...
Slovakia: Artur, Zuzanna Kierulfová, zkierulfova@gmail...
Slovenia: Jure Pozar, jure.pozar@gmail...
South Tyrol: Margareta Schwarz, info@archschwarz...
Spain: Spanish Strawbale Network, Rikki Nitzkin, rikkinitzkin@earthlink...
    Maren Termens Steiner, Valentina Maini, vmaini@mac...
Sweden (?): Jenny Andersson, info@naturligt-byggeri...
Switzerland: Arch. Werner Schmidt, info@atelierwernerschmidt...
Turkey: Nora Kasanicka, thegentlebuilder@googlemail...
UK: Straw Works, Barbara Jones, strawworks@gmail...
    Chug Tugby, chug@strawbale-building....uk

I don't know who is on which discussion list...
And its hard to be up-to-date with all the gmail-adresses

I would agree to help to organize the next ESBG and find a better structure
for the European Network.

Mit lieben Grüßen / kind regards
Herbert Gruber
asbn - austrian strawbale network
Österreichisches Netzwerk für Strohballenbau
3720 Ravelsbach, Baierdorf 6
Email: asbn@baubiologie...

> Dear Herbert, dear all,
> agree with all the networkers, but its too abstract as you see. There had
> for example been no discussion on GSBN, there seems to be just a healthy bit
> of funny European chaos... So networkers are hopefully all on GSBN, so have
> an exchange there.
> Herbert did you send your mail to all your list and would you like to be a
> focal point for thoughts for a following gathering?
> Rules: we once had that "rule" of co-organising the next gathering, so the
> next gathering has the merits of what had been achieved and what has not yet
> been achieved... Just cannot fully understand how those things work these
> days.
> Best wishes,
> Martin
> 2011/8/31 asbn <asbn@baubiologie...>
>> Dear Martin, dear all
>> I think the "authority" are the european networkers in sum.
>> In fact, I think, they should decide about the future way.
>> My opinion is, that there has to be a big difference between national and
>> international gatherings and workshops. This would be easy to guarantee by
>> some simple rules:
>> The ESBG should again be a place, where all or most of the networkers meet,
>> share experiences in depth, talk, visit built examples of locally
>> strawbale-houses, coordinate funding, tests and cooperation, get energy an
>> new motivation for their own work and ADDITIONALLY maybe support the
>> national organisation in making a nationwide conference or workshops
>> (before
>> or after). Target-groups: just skilled builders, otherwise those, who make
>> presentations always had to start at the very beginning: what is a
>> strawbale
>> for, why does it burn so bad, what is with mice and bugs, what about
>> building physics and moisture, what is a passive house and the difference
>> between infill and loadbearing construction...
>> National strawbale organisations and european networkers normally share and
>> enhance these (and their own) experiences in their own country, nationwide
>> or locally (or even on their own websites). Target-groups: newbies to
>> skilled builders (maybe separated in different workshops)...
>> I would add one main rule: a national organisation or networker should at
>> least have organised one national gathering to proof her/his ability, to
>> organize a much bigger international event. Ventilated rooms, beamers,
>> rooms
>> to meet, shuttles for those who arrive by train... should be basic
>> standards.
>> Mit lieben Grüßen / kind regards
>> Herbert Gruber
>> --
>> asbn - austrian strawbale network
>> Österreichisches Netzwerk für Strohballenbau
>> 3720 Ravelsbach, Baierdorf 6
>> Email: asbn@baubiologie...
>> http://www.baubiologie.at
>>> Dear Herbert, dear all,
>>> thanks for Herberts mail. The thread has been a bit lost. I guess already
>>> since Belgium. Self-builders are very well on their way and will continue
>> to
>>> do so. Actually Max's proposal for a gathering in CZ had been already
>> denied
>>> at the gathering in Denmark.
>>> So shall we sort of reclaim some sort of authority for an organizing
>> committe,
>>> what would be the message for a next gathering, possibly more in form of
>> a
>>> symposium? I would like to see strawbale-constructions will represent
>> itself
>>> to the large public as one of the ready solutions to the energy and CO2
>>> crisis.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Martin