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Re: [Strawbale] A request that came to DCAT from Switzerland

Hello ïLisa and Louis Papadopoulos,

this is THE first Adress and RollsRoyce in CH:

.....ATELIER WERNER SCHMIDT ::: Areal Fabrica 117, CH-7166 TRUN SCHWEIZ 

        TEL.: 0041 (0)81 943 25 28/31 FAX.: 0041 (0)81 94 32 528

                  eMail: info@atelierwernerschmidt...


With best wishes for your project,

Dipl.-Ing. Eckart Fest
Freier Architekt
OlsbrÃckerstraÃe 35
67700 Niederkirchen

Am Sonntag, den 12.06.2011, 08:21 -0700 schrieb David Eisenberg:
> Hello all,
> I am hoping that there is someone in Switzerland or at least on this
> list in Europe who can give this person the help they are requesting.
> Thank you,
> David Eisenberg
> www.dcat.net
> Date: June 11, 2011 10:37:19 PM PDT
> Email: lamdaki@live...
> Questions: Hello Mr. Eisenberg,
> we are a little family living in Nax, Switzerland.
> We want to build a small hotel with as a straw bale house
> (mayaguesthouse.wordpress.com)
> . We got pretty far with our project, found a bank to finance it, but
> their constriction expert doesn\'t know how to handle this kind of
> construction.
> Not having a straw bale house in the region he estimated the
> durability at 15  years.
> Do you have any sources, documents about straw bale houses older than
> 40/50 years? Something we can prove that it is to be handled as any
> other building?
> Thank you very much
> Lisa and Louis Papadopoulos
> By the way, we have your name from Natural Homes.
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