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[Strawbale] Big Bale Building Skill-Share / Workshop

Dear European Balers,

It has now been about 4 years that Noe Solsona and I have talked about the potential of arranging a concentrated skill share meeting of people involved with building with large bales; the ones weighing a couple 100 kilos -BBB for short.

I made an application for an EU funded workshop at our place from 1-10th of September focused on this theme, and officially French Noe and Michael Kallesen from Denmark are the instructors; they have made about 25 BBB's, from warehouses to 2 story load bearing residential homes. It turned out there were 49 application and only money for 3 of them! Our application is on 'reserve' as it was number 4... The person in charge told us that he believes that within a couple of weeks they'll receive their next funding and they should be able to fund the application. In other words; no certainty, but it's well worth for you to reserve the dates if you have a serious interest in this subject.

The format of the workshop registration means that you'll apply straight to me, and that all is free for 15 people(!). Once I know more I'll make a simple application form, but I'd appreciate if you would simply let me know if you have an interest and are able to come. The funding is for European citizens, however I stated that we'd support someone from less economic developed non-eu countries as well. Naturally our criteria for selection is the probability that you'd make good use of the information gained.

Please notice that the workshop is scheduled to start a few days after the ESBG 2011 which we also host. In other words you may want to plan to spend quite some time in our beautiful Moravian countryside.

For more information about BBB you may want to enjoy this 17 min. factual, entertaining and witty presentation from the Cohabitat Gathering in Poland: http://vimeo.com/channels/chg#23136901 [ ;o) ]



 Ing. Max Vittrup Jensen
 "Jen-Sen: Make it Reality"
 Consultancy in sustainable construction, planning and environment
 +420 585 15 20 10 - www.jen-sen.cz