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Re: [Strawbale] Slaked lime

Hi Stefano,
I am curious to know what you would prefer, or what is traditional to
Italy, when it comes to pointing a stone foundation - hydraulic or

On 4/7/11, permacultura@libero... <permacultura@libero...> wrote:
> I agree with Dave and should add:  lime putty means pure slaked lime with an
> excess of water and seasoned under water  (in Italy at least three months).
> I usually use putty and sand if I plaster directly on straw I do not use
> hydraulic lime or hydrated lime which have characteristics very different
> from  straw.Hydraulic lime is more rigid and less permeable to water and it
> gets hard in a short time. Usually who does not know lime and is a little
> bit in hurry uses hydraulic lime sprayed on a plaster mash  (as we saw at
> Belgium sb tour) and there is a lot of confusion about terms and materials.
> Romans used hydraulic lime to make bridges, swimming pools, saunas and
> aqueducts. But they used putty and sand to plaster and render.I will give a
> talk on lime at the next ESBG in Czech Republicbest wishes
> Stefano Soldati
> www.laboa.org
> ----Messaggio originale----
> Da: dave@howorth....uk
> Data: 06/04/2011 23.41
> A: "European strawbale building discussions"<strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
> Ogg: Re: [Strawbale] Slaked lime
> Hi Jure,
> I think terminology varies a bit depending on where you are. In the UK, lime
> putty means pure slaked lime with an excess of water for example;
> there's definitely no sand in it. Here's a link that explains various terms:
> http://www.buildingconservation.com/articles/limebasic/limebasic.htm>
> Be aware of the big difference between 'hydrated lime' and 'hydraulic lime'
> in particular. They sound similar, but they're quite different.
> There are also links on that page to more information.
> Cheers, Dave
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