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Re: [Strawbale] Mycotoxins (GSBN Digest, Vol 35, Issue 20)

On Fri, 2011-03-25 at 14:44 -0400, RT wrote:
> On Thu, 24 Mar 2011 13:00:02 -0400, <gsbn-request@greenbuilder...> wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 07:56:02 -0400
> > From: carolatkn
> > Subject: [GSBN]  Mycotoxins
> > I recently met a young couple wanting to build a new home on their  
> > family farm in south west England. They had been told by their architect  
> > that they should discount straw bale immediately as they would be  
> > certain to die from exposure to mycotoxins!
> > My initial response is that if the straw is baled and kept dry there  
> > will be few moulds anyway and crack free plaster would prevent any that  
> > were present making their way into the living space.

The first question that occurs to me is what brief was the architect
given and what was his/her suggested construction?

The first suggestion I have is that the young couple should discuss
their project with at least a couple of other architects, and I'd
suggest they start looking among the membership of the AECB.

Cheers, Dave