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Re: [Strawbale] ESBG 2011 social justice...

Dear Max,
I am sending you signed partner promoter sheet in order to assure the demanded number of signed forms so people who need the funding will get it. I otherwise don`t treat myself as a youth worker, but hopefully it will help others. I disseminate info via facebook group.

Jure Poľar
2011/1/23 Max Vittrup Jensen <max@permalot...>
Dear all,

The ESBG team had a big meeting yesterday and you can expect a detailed ESBG2011 call/invitation at the end of the week.

This mail is about something additional:
We are basing our ticket price on a no-frill price, which also means a fixed price for all. Many of you are aware that such pricing is not optional, as there's huge income differences from fx. a professional Swiss Architect to a Bulgarian student. And that's only the Europeans!
At ESBG 2009 we were able to fund a few people to come from the far East; partly to share their (impressive) achievements, partly to help share the European SB 'knowledge bank' with them.
In addition, due to a grant, about 50 participants of ESBG 2009 received an entrance discount. I am aware that some of the ones receiving the discounts, (and thanking me sincerely for it), were the same who did not help the application process by submitting a partnership form necessary to apply for the funding which made such generosity possible...

In brief:
If I have 25 different signed .pdf/.jpg copies of the simple 1 page partnership form by Monday 24/12 at 8PM from different European straw balers able to describe themselves as 'Youth workers'.... then I will take the time to write an application which may help fund those who can not otherwise afford to come.
No, this is not a selfish act for you; it's not a guarantee that you can come for free yourself (However if it is funded, and if you will come, then it will fund 70% of your return journey).  This is a simple act for you to potentially help the less financial affluent members of the SB community.

And sorry; the Monday deadline is firm. After that it's straight capitalism ruling the ESBG 2011 fees...!? (Unless any of you volunteer to do fund raising?)


Ing. Max Vittrup Jensen "Jen-Sen: Make it Reality"
 Consultancy in sustainable engineering, planning and environment
 +420 585 15 20 10 - www.jen-sen.cz 
Partner form:

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