Thanks for all the replies about this complicate subject... In wood the concentration of formaldehyd is very low, and won´t be there for a long time. According to Hans Ulrich Krieg from the eco-Umweltinstitut: 0,002 ppm beech 0,009 ppm oak 0,003 ppm spruce, pine Measured after DIN V ENV 717-1 We don´t have to talk about fromaldehyd in naturel wood, this is not the problem. Sorry if i confused people...just wanted to make that point clear. It is difficult, OSB is inexpensive and very very good as a building material. But i think it is not free from problems. If would suggest "three-layer-panels" Dreischichtplatten Yes they are more expensive, but what is your price for your healthy??? About isocyanate we don´t know so much yet. The institut of building biology says that even if you cant find isocyanate in the air, we can find antibodies in the blood. This means that our testing tools are less developed than our body ;) But as long as we are not sure, i will not use them in my home... The question is, do we need a vapour barrier? In the bathroom i would agree.... Baubiologie & Umweltanalytik Kurt Splittdorf Sandweg 27 60316 Frankfurt am Main Tel: 069-97609370 Fax: 069-20329852 Baubiologe SIB (CH) Baubiologe IBN (D) Sachkundiger "Schimmelpilze in Innenräumen - Erkennen, Sanieren, Vermeiden" TÜV Verantwortliche Person für Fachbetriebe zur Sanierung von Schimmelschäden TÜV Ihr Partner für: _________________________________________________ Schimmelpilzsanierungen, Schadstoffe, Elektrosmog, Schimmelpilze Beratung, Messung, Vorträge, Mietgeräte, Sanierungszubehör _________________________________________________ |