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Re: [Strawbale] OSB or Not? (rendering versus sheeting)

> I just wanted to mention, that OSB is not a healthy building material.
> As far as i know they use Isocyanate clue to produce them.
> And Isocyanate is not healthy at all!
> Cheers Kurt 

This is why we use Egger Eurostrand OSB Top4 boards, which are glued with PU
(Polyurethan) and are Formaldehyde free. In Austria we have a huge (free)
database for ecological products, the link: http://www.baubook.at/
We check all the materials we use in this database for its ecological

I know, there are better ecological and baubiological products (like
strawbales, earthplaster, woodwool, softwood, Agepan/dp50-boards, ...).

When you are a carpenter and build prefab houses you have to find certified
CE-products (this is European building law - which is not yet in every
European country national law) with the best possible ecological AND
structural quality.
In a wood-area like Austria you will tend to wood products, in areas with
less wood and forests you will build more loadbearing structures.
There is a difference in the building tradition and building officials
accept loadbearing and directly plastered strawbale walls in some countries
and in some others (like ours) not.
The reason is a mixture of building tradition and experience and the
influence of building lobbies, fighting for their products.

When I build my own strawbale house (especially when it is a renovation like
my old converted barn) I'm not bound to such products.
But as a national strawbale network I'd like as many strawbale houses as
possible in Austria (and Europe), and this means also to work with
professional carpenters and build with straw in a sometimes more complicated
way as maybe needed. But they have their liability...

Mit lieben Grüßen
Herbert Gruber
asbn - austrian strawbale network
Österreichisches Netzwerk für Strohballenbau
3720 Ravelsbach, Baierdorf 6
Email: asbn@baubiologie...