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Re: [Strawbale] strawbale vaults and domes, again

On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 15:45:38 -0400, Derek Roff <derek@unm...> wrote:

You can see some recent dome and vault ideas from Gernot Minke of Germany (building in Slovakia).


Dearest Derlict;

Thanks for the link to the Slovakian SB dome project.
I had seen some chatter about the project on the Euro SB List but hadn't yet seen anything of the actual building.

I noted in one of the comments in the blog (quoted below):

================quoted blog material ==============
piatok, 8. októbra 2010

... the moisture levels in the straw bales has been difficult to understand. Even after weeks of drying the plaster the moisture level in the middle of the straw bales increased from 85%RH to 90%RH. The sensors in the straw bales just below the outside clay plaster has been increasing with higher outside temperatures and lower with at low temperatures - the opposite of what I would expect. The average moisture level in these areas are about 95%RH... of course the weather has not been very kind, here one of the rainy and windy days, but the clay still seems to be fairly dry.

============ end of quoted blog material ==========

I hadn't had a thorough enough look at the blog to determine when the above comment/observation was made -- before or after the EPDM membrane was placed over the exterior of the plastered bales -- but the (scarily-high!) moisture levels which were increasing with higher outside temperatures would seem to be exactly what one would expect as the sun heating up the exterior plaster would result in moisture from the plaster (covered or uncovered by rubber sheet) being driven into the straw via the process known as inward vapour drive, same process that would affect wetted plaster on a "normal" Sb wall.

As with any bale construction on which a vapour-impermeable membrane prevents transpiration of moisture (whether it be from bulk moisture transfer (ie leaks) or ambient humidity, the arrangement *appears* problematic. (I haven't delved deeply enough into the blog to see how the designers addressed this issue.)

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  Y a h o o  dot  c a >
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