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Re: [Strawbale] Green roofs on strawbale buildings

On Fri, 17 Sep 2010 14:37:51 -0400, Derek Roff <derek@unm...> wrote:
I know of two post and beam strawbale houses, where one or more of the posts does not touch it's pier at the bottom.
OK, RT, tell me where I've gone wrong.

Sheesh, I come in to relax a spell with a nice cuppa tea and I find this message from that pesky Derelict *demanding* an answer.

I'm going to guess that the P&B SB home in the Derelict's example is

(1) relatively small (or if not, has relatively short-span joist or rafter bays and/or
(2) subject to relatively small live and dead loads

I think that even the most sceptical amongst us knows that reasonably dense straw bales (ie compressed to 120 kg/m^3 or more) provide sufficient compression resistance to demonstrate minimal to negligible deflection under the stresses imparted by the dead loads that are associated with modest-sized residential structures and in situations where the live loads are relatively small (say 2.4 kPa as a number pulled out of my hat, unsubstantiated by nothing more than my gut) in conjunction with those relatively short spans ... may very well exhibit minimal deflection as well -- initially.

But beyond certain stress levels (as can easily happen with the larger spans, larger building sizes and/or higher gravity loads) the bearing capacity of the straw will be exceeded no matter how well they were precompressed.

Any chart from compression tests of unplastered bales that show deflection values under incremental loads will show where that "tipping" point falls.

True, simply using wider bales thereby reducing stress values may work in some situations but in most scenarios space consumed by structure is not unlimited so excessively wide walls or grossly over-sized round bale "columns" are not a feasible option.

Now, I'm hoping that someone else here will comment upon Brian Waite's instinctual reservations against structural bale sandwiches (although I do agree with his preference for utilising door and window jambs as slender columns).

I don't have a problem with load-bearing SB walls. The problems arise when people can't get the roof onto those loadbearing bale walls quickly enough to avoid rain-wetting of the bales. Short of a temporary over-roof over the building site, few "rain management" schemes are actually as effective as hoped.

(Tea time is over.)

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  Y a h o o  dot  c a >
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