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Re: [Strawbale] Certification - need your help

hello pawel and jacek
if you want to know about the tests done in the (strawbale)world see the book :"design of strawbalebuildings"
isbn :0-976-4911-1-7-
updated with the french traduction :isbn :978-2-9522653-3-1-
also i wrote a book about a technique loadbearing and shearing ,called Cell Under Tension
i did tests inbelgium 2008 and in france 2010
i give a workshop in poland :11 till15 september nearBadow Gorny,organised by Ryszard Bilinski(r.bilinski@ekowioska...)
we can meet there to discuss the results
tom rijven@hotmail...  my book :"entre terre et paille " isbn :978-2-9523714-3-8
courage  tom

> From: p.sroczynski@cohabitat...
> Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 04:36:45 -0700
> To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> Subject: [Strawbale] Certification - need your help
> Hello,
> We are writing to this group as we are looking for help in
> certification process that we are planning to start in Poland. We
> would like to get connected with people engaged in straw bale
> certification process in European union countries. If somebody could
> send us copies of certificates f.e. fireproof tests etc. and
> description of the used method, we could easily make a really big
> progress in new straw bale applications in Poland. Our plan is to use
> this technique not only in small residential homes but in public
> utility buildings as well. If already made research is similar to
> polish standards we probably could use them.
> Your help would be valuable contribution to our work concerned in
> promoting Straw Bale in Poland.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Jacek Galaska - architect
> Pawel Sroczynski - architect
> Cohabitat Group
> www.cohabitat.net
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