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Re: [Strawbale] OSB and SB



I like a lot of combinations and think it is good to use the right solution for the right person.

People survived by flexibility.

Panelling (wooden planches and vapour screen is also OK) can be very handy. With the strikt building regulations from Austria and Germany it may well be the only sollution.






Henk Van Aelst

TF 0032 / 15 22 51 43


Hertstraat 52

Gsm 0032 473 66 17 92


2590 Berlaar 

BTW BE 480.118.920 





Van: strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz [mailto:strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz] Namens Max Vittrup Jensen
Verzonden: maandag 12 juli 2010 12:37
Aan: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Onderwerp: [Strawbale] OSB and SB


The response from Henk makes me think of another subject where I'd love to learn more, and perhaps the knowledge on this list can help this?

I'm aware that:
-An alarming number of Hurricane Katrina survivors got severe health problems (some died) from being relocated to emergency mobile homes made from fresh OSB.

Use 0 formaldehide

-In comparative research on particle board, plywood and OSB, the OSB ranks as the highest for fungi susceptibility.

Use it In dry inside conditions
-Last year I read that 60% of OSB on the European market came from threatened rain forest.

Is that the case for Stirling plates?
-I've been made aware that the production of OSB (and burning of wood chips) has caused a 'vacuuming' of the forest floor, reducing the necessary amount of carbon in forest eco-systems.

That the proces doesn’t leave left overs doesn’t mean that the wood should come frome the forest Floor.

-As part of my University research in 2008, I made a price comparison between using solid wooden boards compared to OSB and investment was equal (in CZ), only the time of mounting it spoke in favour of OSB.
-OSB may act as a ticking bomb in case of poor detailing by the construction company, allowing moisture to get to the OSB: they will rapidly turn black with fungi spores, but without visual signs for the occupant.

All biological material does
-What does OSB do to the 'breath-ability' of the house?

No breath-abillity is OK for some people, just ask and you will know.

-How far does your OSB travel? The 'baubiologie' approved brand from Scotland may be great on the British Isles, but how appropriate is it on mainland Europe?

There is no lime in the Netherlands.
-I'm convinced that (beyond the 4 good points mentioned yesterday by Derek and ?), there's a special 'marriage' happening between the integration of the earth plaster and straw, which provides additional positive feed-back loops which our isolated scientific science approach have not yet proven. In other words; this is typically lost when useing OSB. (stays if the french dip is applied, but bales has to be mighty dry before installing to avoid fungi in the OSB).

So, with that out in the open: Please "Teach me Tiger"....????

Max Vittrup Jensen
PS: On my first construction jobs back in '91 in USA OSB was the hot 'green' approach to stick-frame housing. I've were an advocate of it for years and do have some in storage. I'm simply pointing out that there's reasons to be concerned.