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Re: [Strawbale] Strawbale Digest, Vol 52, Issue 1


Subject: [Strawbale] When you go to a disaster situation, have these
	tools with you..

..... For any one going abroad, to do anything, in any kind of disaster situation, there is a handbook developed over the past 15 years by the 400 mayor NGO's and Red cross/Red crescent, giving guidelines and minimal standards to fulfill and work from when doing a relief/development project. The initiative is called "Sphere" and the sphere handbook can be downloaded for free from this website:

Incidentally, we've included the Sphere course at our natural building internship in July/August (along with a Permaculture design certificate). That internship period will be co-facilitated by Martina Petru who founded Ho Avy NGO in Madagascar: http://hoavy.org/en/about-us/

And for orientation: We're preparing a project proposal in cooperation with a Haiti NGO, to build 4000 cob core shelters re-inforced with a bamboo grid. The project include permaculture approach, and is based on importing Czech made cob mixing machines.
