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Re: [Strawbale] French SB Network is looking for official european SB tests

Hoi Peter,
What kind of tests/data are you looking for?
All certified tests/data.
And for what use: load-bearing and/or infill?
These 'building codes' (Règles Professionnels) will only validate the use of non structural SB infil that can hold earth and/or lime plaster. But that does not mean we are not interested in other validated testing (nor does it mean that loadbearing is not alowed, it is just more difficult to get the the professional builder insured)

kind regards,
Peter van Balen

Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 19:13:17 +0100
From: "contact@lamaisonenpaille..." <contact@lamaisonenpaille...>
Subject: [Strawbale] French SB Network is looking for official europan
	SB	tests
To: European strawbale building discussions
Message-ID: <4B55F63D.8010105@lamaisonenpaille...>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hello everybody,
Best wishes to everyone; may 2010 be filled with light and laughter.

The French SB Network is entering a very important phase. We are
starting a testing program that will allow us to create french SB
building codes (in 1 or 2 years). In order to avoid testing what has
allready been tested before we would really appr?ciate that all of you
who have been involved in (or are aware of) official tests r?alised in
any European country let us know. They need to be certified tests so we can try to get them validated here in France also. This could save us a
lot of money and speed up the process. We are willing to pay for the
test results if they are accepted by our (official) french partners.

Please sent your replies to me (contact @ lamaisonenpaille.com).

Friendly SB greetings,

Andr? de Bouter

Les Compaillons - R?seau Fran?ais de la Construction en Paille (French
SB Network)
La Maison en Paille

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