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Re: [Strawbale] gabions for foundation walls ???

Dear Barbara and all,
i will love to have UK building regulation spread all around europe :-)!!

arq. valentina maini
arquitectos ara B sccl.
t.f. +34 933197631
ronda sant pere 58, pralB 08010 barcelona

El 04/11/2009, a las 19:11, Barbara escribió:

Hi Martin
Yes we also have experience of designing gabion foundations, also approved by UK Building regulations. Not with a timber frame on gabions that you talk of, but I can’t see any reason why they should not be approved in that case also.
Best wishes 
Barbara Jones FRSA
The library extension that we helped design and build for Calderdale Council at Shelf, Halifax, has won the Halifax Courier Environmental Design Award.
One of the buildings we have been involved in, the largest strawbale building in the UK, a saleroom of 1100sq.m built for Sworders Ltd, has just won the Sustainability Award from the East of England RICS. And has now won a Commendation in the International awards!
Barbara Jones FRSA, Founder and Director of amazonails, has been named Woman of Outstanding Achievement 2009 by the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) for SET discovery, innovation and entrepreneurship.
WARNING! Strawbale building can seriously transform your life!

From: strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz [mailto:strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz] On Behalf Of Martin Mikush
Sent: 04 November 2009 12:16
To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Subject: [Strawbale] gabions for foundation walls ???

Hi Barbara 
You mention getting tyre foundation walls approved. I wonder if you (or anyone on this list) know any precedents of small wood frame houses with gabions as foundation walls?
I have to plan for a quick construction of a small (6.5x10 meters) wood frame house in the foothills of a mountain here in Bulgaria (EU). Hot and dry summe and a lot of gravell / stones available. 
Do you (or anybody on this list) know about submitting construction drawings of structures using "alternative" building materials , such as : strawbales or tyres or gabions for approval supporting the "case" with similar building structures approved throughout the EU? 
I Hope that the EU goverment could be "pushed " for unification of building codes towards sustainable , organic mataeriasl and theyr approval. 

Barbara , I did visit (last day of) your workshop at Hotnica/ Bulgaria in 2008 and it was such a inspiring event in my life. Hope we can do more workshops and spread the word by doing ! 


Martin Mikush

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 1:00 PM, <strawbale-request@amper....muni.cz> wrote:

Today's Topics:

  1. Re:  Tyre foundation (Barbara)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 14:15:00 -0000
From: "Barbara" <barbara@amazonails....uk>

Hi Jure

We have built several buildings using car tyres as foundations. All have
full UK building regulation approval and are made using rammed stone or
reclaimed road scrapings. As with all foundations you must remove all top
soil and make sure that the subsoil is strong enough to take the loads of
what you are building. You will find more information on our website
www.amazonails.org.uk <http://www.amazonails.org.uk/>

Good luck

Barbara Jones FRSA


The library extension that we helped design and build for Calderdale Council
at Shelf, Halifax, has won the Halifax Courier Environmental Design Award.

One of the buildings we have been involved in, the largest strawbale
building in the UK, a saleroom of 1100sq.m built for Sworders Ltd, has just
won the Sustainability Award from the East of England RICS.And has now won a
Commendation in the International awards!

Barbara Jones FRSA, Founder and Director of amazonails, has been named Woman
of Outstanding Achievement 2009 by the UK Resource Centre for Women in
Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) for SET discovery, innovation and

Please visit
http://www.ukrc4setwomen.org/html/news-and-events/news/?news_id=529 for more

WARNING! Strawbale building can seriously transform your life!


From: strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz
[mailto:strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz] On Behalf Of Jure Po?ar
Sent: 01 November 2009 08:58
To: Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Subject: [Strawbale] Tyre foundation


I got attention from Tia & Donald and building a tyre foundation. How did it
turn out at the end and after some time now? I am planning to do a 2 rows of
residue tyre foundation for my house, so this is why I am asking. Are there
any test done so far on what is the lifetime of such foundation and if any
problems are encountered and what should you pay attention to. I am planning
to make a first fow of tyres into the ground and the second above ground.
Shall the tyres be filled with a gravel?


Jure Po?ar


Hope Mill
Crescent Street
OL14 5HA

Tel. 0 (+44) 845 458 2173
Fax. 0 (+44) 1706 814696


Martin Mikush_______

strawbale innovations

Hope Mill
Crescent Street
OL14 5HA

Tel: 0 (+44) 845 458 2173
Fax: 0 (+44) 1706 814696


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