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Re: [Strawbale] vaulted construction

On Fri, 21 Aug 2009 15:29:19 -0400, <espacone@unich...> wrote:

Mark Asheim in California did some seismic tests years ago. He had to
build a vault for a private house. He is a professor somewhere in

  donald mchardy wrote:

  I'm looking for some info on vaulted SB contruction.  I have some
  experience in "conventional" SB (small, load-bearing) but would like
  to learn something of vaulted construction (no "roof"?).

Perhaps the most useful bit of information about vaulted SBC that one should have under one's belt is that the two California houses built in this configuration back in the early days ... both required extended time frames and over-sized budgets to complete.

One of the major "challenges" that must be addressed is the fact that straw bales are not really a material that is suited to creating a pure compression structure.

While it is true that bales do have sufficient compression resistance for the axial loads to which a residential-scale wall is subjected in most situations, the difference between a vault and a wall is that there really isn't a point where bales will stop compressing in a vault configuration and since bales are not uniform from one bale to the next, the vault will not simply tighten-up as in a vault made using masonry materials. Sudden collapse of the vault will occur when weakest bale is distorted to the point where it folds in on itself, subsequently opening up on the bottom.

The early California vaults addressed this issue by using steel rebar to create what was essentially an exoskeleton. One of them experienced a SB fire as a result of trying to weld the rebar exoskelton. (Later, YakWoman (aka Keller Lerner) substituted bamboo for the steel).

Another major challenge that needs to be addressed is that vaults are "all roof".

Simply plastering the bale vault and applying some coating to the plaster is not going to provide the weather resistance necessary to keep the straw dry and rot-free.

Pre-formed metal roofing (about the only real viable option (while acknowledging the existence of things like Kevlar membranes) will in most cases (ie unless custom formed) need to be laboriously clad with smaller and quite likely, site-formed, custom-made pieces if the curvature of the vault is anything beyond "gentle".

I would venture that the most prudent approach to SB vault construction would be to construct a fully-clad roof structure first and then build the bale vault underneath, utilising the structure of the over-roof to provide support (where necessary) for the bales.

The engineer (David Mar ?) for one of the California SB vaults (and who was given an eng assoc award by his peers for his design/analysis work that went into the SB vault) did a write-up for The Last Straw back then and it should be available from TLS. It may even be available on the contractor/builder's (Skillful Means) website.

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at  ChaffY a h o o  dot  C a >
(manually winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply)
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