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Re: [Strawbale] SB Walls for Mushroom Farm

tadelakt is a great solution for water impacted walls but frankly it is so hugely laborious technique i dont see how you could cover any area bigger than just few square metres, would be very expensive as well.
ps: i think either you have a sacrificial layer of something on the inside or you got to think abpout some material that cane take the moisture - i think some clay composite material would work - if you make almost like double wall system with straw on the outside and clay brick or layer of some clay composite (clay + leca as minke does it or even perhaps some cob like mix) on the inside i think that would be very effective it dealing with the moisture - i think essential would be to ge the thickness right (so the moisture management capacity can stand up the the humidity levels). the quastion here arises then - is it too expensive, and why still bother with straw then? or maybe you just need a house that is simply insulated with straw? just my thoughts. never seen anything like this done. just applying my knowledge of dew ointo to the problem. also i think you need to consider the temperature inside - is it just humid or also warm in there? that does a lot to mold growth!!!
catarina pinto wrote :
Maybe a finish material like tadelakt could help. It?s a traditional technic
from Morocco used in humid rooms like hammams in earth constructions.

"Tadelakt is a waterproof lime plaster sealed with olive oil soap and
polished with a stone. Soft to the touch and warm to the eye, it can
seamlessly cover walls, sinks, showers, and even bathtubs. One of few
natural materials appropriate for wet areas, tadelakt is easy to clean and
highly resistant to mildew. Originally from Marrakech, tadelakt has stood
the tests of time in traditional North African hammams and royal palaces. As
it has been passed down from master to apprentice for centuries, tadelakt
has become one of the most beautiful hand crafted natural finishes on

Info text from http://www.artesanoplaster.com/tadelakt.html