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Re: [Strawbale] Added benefits of Mosquito nets

Dear all,

While out harvesting or dry hemp stalks with my wife, I thought that the recent 'Bug' topic should have this happy ending:

We started PermaLot back in 2001, and have since hosted about 1800 visitors and volunteers(!). The first one was a 26 year old Czech girl who came to help pick rowan berries in our orchard. Accommodation was then (as now) quite basic: I offered her a mattress on the floor and some blankets/pillow. However, as the mosquito's had migrated inside to try to survive the autumn, she looked longingly at the large mosquito net covering my bed... Being an old fashioned gentleman (!?), I kindly offered that she also could sleep next to me in safety from the miniature Dracula's...

Well, rest is history: Radka now co-manages PermaLot, gave home birth to our child, and looks forward to the day we finally finish our strawbale house...

Morale: Would dedicated hard-working volunteers really want to stay if you have a chemical mosquito bomb? Get a net and trap the volunteers!
