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Re: [Strawbale] rumors

Thanks for your concern. I'm feeling much better these days, glad to be
working full time again, and trying to get caught up and moving ahead on TLS
and all the other projects I'm involved in.

How are things for you?


on 1/29/09 8:25 AM, Brian Waite at brian@brianwaite....uk wrote:

> Dear Joyce,
>  hope you are now well.
> regards Brian
> www.strawbalehouse.co.uk
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joyce Coppinger" <jc10508@alltel...>
> To: "Joyce Coppinger" <jc10508@alltel...>
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 6:21 PM
> Subject: [Strawbale] Dispelling rumors
> Rumors of the demise of The Last Straw journal are just that - rumors.
> Delays in publishing issues of TLS in 2007/08 were caused by health problems
> that I had during that time. I am now back to work full time and trying hard
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