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Re: [Strawbale] Euro SB workshops for Portuguese Architect
Thank you for your swift responses it was a great help. Andre de Bouter do
you have a email IU can contact you on with refrence to this build please.
Kind regards carol
-----Original Message-----
From: strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz
[mailto:strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz] On Behalf Of
Sent: 26 January 2009 09:27
To: European strawbale building discussions
Subject: Re: [Strawbale] Euro SB workshops for Portuguese Architect
Andre Leorat is totally correct. In fact there is even a 'law' that states
that it is illegal to prescribe (or forbid) building materials or building
Best regards,
André de Bouter
> Hi
> In france the structure does not care, it only care for your insurance
> and "decennial guarantee" if you use a company to build your house.
> What care for DCE is the visible parts according to your local rules
> (colour, height, surface, ....
> For example a round house is not possible generally in a traditional
> bye
> andre
> 2009/1/25 Carol Dean <cas.dean@btinternet...>:
>> Hi,
>> I wondered if anyone can help me. I have a plot of land in the south
>> of France and plan to build a loadbearing house.
>> I have been told by some friends that the French will not allow a
>> loadbearing house planning permission. Is this the case does anyone
>> if it is is there a work round since having a wooden fram seems to me
>> to be a waste of resources.
>> Thanks Carol
>> ________________________________
>> From: strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz
>> [mailto:strawbale-bounces@amper....muni.cz] On Behalf Of catarina
>> pinto
>> Sent: 25 January 2009 00:15
>> To: European strawbale building discussions
>> Subject: Re: [Strawbale] Euro SB workshops for Portuguese Architect
>> Hi!
>> Thanks a lot for your information!
>> I´m planing to visit 'Luzku-Fuzku' during the construction. And plano
>> b are my friends, they work realy good!
>> My contacts and blog are www.terrapalha.blogspot.com Hope to see you
>> all in Belgium in August.
>> Keep going!
>> Catarina Pinto
>> 2009/1/24 Max Vittrup Jensen <max@permalot...>
>>> Dear all,
>>> Just want to catch this email flow, and offer to host workshops for
>>> any other 'Masters' touring Europe. We run the 'PermaLot Centre for
>>> Natural building' in Czech Republic, a NGO initiative inspired by
>>> the Cob Cottage Company and similar facilities in Norway and Russia.
>>> Our aim is to teach the trade of Natural building to CEE country
>>> We're still limited by the fact that we are only able to offer
>>> 'in-house' accommodation during summer season, but are actively
>>> looking for funding to create accommodation for 18 people upstairs
>>> in our 120 year old farm building.
>>> We just renovated our site: www.permalot.org, and I'd encourage any
>>> educators among you to make use of the new 'comic book' manuals I'm
>>> making. You'll find them under the 'resources' tab on the site.
>>> Here's some links for the Portuguese architect in case he'd prefer
>>> to save our planet from more CO2 pollution from his travel(!), and
>>> may want to stay home in Portugal and connect to the following:
>>> The square SB approach by architect/earth builder Eduardo Carvalho
>>> and
>>> friends: http://www.planob.com/eng/planob.html
>>> The curvy SB approach of Tamera:
>>> http://www.tamera.org/index.php?id=509&L=0
>>> ...Or the more home made approach of 'Luzku-Fuzku', which currently
>>> are involved in making a micro theater of SB and cob:
>>> http://www.ecolivingportugal.org/2009/01/luzku-fuzku-agenda-2009/
>>> Naturally, another option is to join us all at the Euro Strawbale
>>> Gathering in Belgium in August, where several masters will be
>>> showing their different approaches...
>>> Enjoy,
>>> Max Vittrup Jensen,
>>> Natural Builder and networker
>>>>>> I have had a request by a Portugese arquitect looking for SB
>>>>>> workshops oriented towards "profesionals"-anywhere in Europe
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