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[Strawbale] Dispelling rumors

Rumors of the demise of The Last Straw journal are just that - rumors.
Delays in publishing issues of TLS in 2007/08 were caused by health problems
that I had during that time. I am now back to work full time and trying hard
to get caught up. TLS#59 is available in PDF format on the TLS web site
www.thelaststraw.org at $6 per copy. I am working on #60 and other issues
that are past due... and they will be made available as soon as possible.

All issues of TLS are still available in print format ­ and most of the
information is just as viable today as it was when it was published any time
from 1993 to 2006. Issues #1 through #40 are also available online in PDF
format at $40 for 40 issues - a great bargain.

And issues #41 through #59 are also available for download from the web site
online ordering system at $6 each with payment through PayPal or mailing
check/MO to the TLS office in Nebraska (USA). You can download the PDF to
your computer or a CD, print out one page, an article or the whole issue for
your personal use (remember it's copyrighted). And when available, color
photos are included in the PDF issues - quality of printing will depend on
your computer equipment.

If you are a current subscriber, contact the TLS office by email
<thelaststraw@thelaststraw...> or phone (402.483.5135) to let me know if
you want to switch over to the PDF format for issues you should receive or
wait for the print format copy to be published.

I'm sorry for the delays in publishing and for any confusion caused during
this time. Your continued interest and support of TLS is greatly
appreciated. TLS is only as good as the contributions about methods,
materials, systems, techniques and tips, and projects we receive from our
readers and others in the straw-bale community - so let us hear from you!

Joyce Coppinger
Managing Editor/The Last Straw Journal
PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161