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[Strawbale] Re: GSBN List Some Concerns.

Greetings baleheads,

I share some of these concerns about GSBN, sometimes there are no messages 
for months then a sudden flurry, sometimes with useful info, sometimes not 
so, it is useful for those involved in, how shall we say, SB work or 
commercial SB to keep in touch and share ideas and use each other as 
sounding boards for new ideas and concepts without having lots of peeps with 
'just an interest' for SB posting newbie and repetitive questions, which 
happens on most open lists.

I know most of us on GSBN are usually busy and don't have much time to cross 
post anything useful to all the other SB groups, although I have in the past 
and I'm doing so with this GSBN archive link.
I think a good compromise is more promotion/awareness of the archives which 
ARE open to all.

GSBN archives are available when they are working.

Bale on
--- In SB-r-us@yahoogroups..., "John Glassford" <jacksflat@...> wrote:
> G ' day RT
> No mate, apologies are not in order, to anyone re information
> published on the internet.  It is there for the taking if you are
> smart enough to know how to find it and then obtain the information it
> is free once published and available.
> Even though I have been a member of the GSBN since day 1, I have
> always had a problem with the GSBN list.  My main problem is that it
> is not easily available to those who are building in straw bale or
> those who are contemplating straw bales.
> Most of those on GSBN would probably be on the SB-r-us list.  I do not
> like being exclusive.  The knowledge on GSBN is priceless and should
> be shared.  I have never been able to find the archives either.  I am
> not very good at the internet stuff but I use it.
> I much prefer the openness of this list and sure there are many posts
> that may not be deemed suitable for response by those on the GSBN
> list.  The delete key works.
> Next problem is that of time and being a member of three SB lists as
> well as two on Rotary, my time is limited so I prefer to contribute to
> one good list and one which can do the most good, and for me the list
> is SB-r-us with the ability to store files, photos, links and the
> like.
> I also get asked why do we straw balers want to charge for our
> information.  The fact that there are so many books on the subject, so
> many web sites, so much information available.
> Yet we still conduct workshops for those who want to learn and we have
> the right to charge for these services.  Even the so called free straw
> bale workshops has a fee associated with it one way or the other some
> one has to pay, there ain't no free lunch these days.
> If we in the straw bale industry are fair dinkum we should provide our
> information willingly via the internet.  Having said that we will
> provide our information willingly via our web site and we will have a
> new section in fact a new web site this year and the new section will
> be where people can register and subscribe to receive the information
> that we feel is proprietary, something like a cyber workshop.  This
> will be where we are online and provide a one to one e-service at a
> fee of course!!!
> I will of course continue to respond on this list and continue to
> access the GSBN list and contribute where I feel I can do some good.
> I do not see why we all cannot access the information on the GSBN list
> in an easy and timely manner.  However someone is doing all that work
> of maintaining the GSBN list, probably Bill C, in his own time pro
> gratis and probably without too many thanks.  Maybe we should ask Bill
> C for his opinion?  maybe we should also thank him now and then thanks
> Bill for all the work mate and this post is no reflection on you.
> Kind regards
> The Straw Wolf
> Huff 'n' Puff Constructions
> http://www.glassford.com.au/
> 61 2 6927 6027
> Road MAPS to Africa & RFFA {Australia} Web Site:
> http://www.coolamonrotary.com/maps

--- In SB-r-us@yahoogroups..., "Rob Tom" <archilogic@...> wrote:
> I noticed a recent thread (or at least the subject headings of) on lime
> plasters here and recalled that there has been an unusually informative
> and  somewhat lengthy thread on the same subject on the GSBN List recently
> as well. (Postings to the GSBN List are more typically quite brief ).
> Unfortunately, membership to the GSBN List is restricted so the audience
> is limited to a couple or few dozen people, so not many eyes will have
> gotten to see and benefit from the information presented.
> At the risk of being excommunicated/shunned/tarred & feathered from GSBN,
> I've excerpted a posting by Beel (wihout his permisssion) to that thread
> and copied it below.  (I ain't a-scared of Beel beating me up for doing so
> 'cause he's always down in Nogales terrorising the locals there, simply
> because it's closer than Kanata.)
> I theenk that non-members can read the GSBN List archives that are posted
> at some YahooGroup address but non-members cannot post messages to it.
> You'll have to pester another Bill (as in Wild Bill-bob Christensen) for
> info as to how to go about that.