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Re: [Strawbale] Re: women in strawbale

This sounds brilliant Lee. We are hoping to build a strawbale house in Hotnitsa next year. Where have you got your bales from and if you don't mind me asking , how much did they cost?

Lee Gilbert <lee@darkwood....uk> wrote:

First post to this list, to say that I have just got planning permission
to build a small strawbale cottage in the Rhodope mountains of Bulgaria,
not sure but this might be the first strawbale build here in? Hope to
complete both the round 35 metre reciprocal roof cottage and a mixed
strawbale and cordwood storage barn in next few months, two larger
strawbale projects planned for next year. I am designing and running the
build with the help of my husband and the local villagers, who are very
excited about the materials we will be using.


Lee Gilbert

European strawbale building discussion list

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