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Re: [Strawbale] ESBG 2009, Expo Zaragoza

Dear Rikki,
yes I agree, spring or autumn are the best times for conferences. Just thisyear we choose the ecovillage of Siebenlinden for the ESBG, and there was only the option for August, I am sorry ,that it was not suitable for everybody. Please can you give a web site adress of the straw bale pavillion in Zaragosa. Do you know when it is going to be built? As for the next ESBGs I am sure we find good solutions and places for the years to come. Anyway it seems to have a lot of approval to take place more frequently in the future and I am happy that we get more international contacts. Thanks again for all people who believe in this movementand who came to meet. It is a gerat support for this work.
Best wishes

Rikki Nitzkin wrote:
HI all,
My vote is also for every two years. Also I would mention that at least for
me (and I imagine many builders) it is difficult to attend in the middle of
summer because we are working.  I would prefer that it be before or after
building season. If it is planned far enough in advance other dates should
not be a problem.

What do others think about the best dates?

On the other hand I would add that the idea of doing the conference in Czech
Republic is very exciting.  Although before deciding we should see who else
is interested and then vote on it.  I have not yet talked to the other
members of the Spanish Strawbale Network, but had thought of maybe proposing
it be in Spain in 2009 (although I wouldn't mind putting it off and doing it
in 2011...). I doubt I could offer a proposal before next spring...

Also, I wanted to let everyone know that in the World Expo in Zaragoza
(summer 2008) there will be a Pavillion built with straw, clay, wood and
bamboo. It will be roundish, 35m diameters at the base and 22m tall...has
anything else been made like that anywhere?  It will also include natural
refrigeration systems. Exciting, huh?

Take care,
Rikki Nitzkin
Aulás, Lleida, España
(0034)657 33 51 62 www.casasdepaja.com (Red de Construcción con Balas de Paja)
Sissy Hein
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