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[Strawbale] Mud 'n Sticks and Steens in Washington DC

After much shedding of blood, sweat and tears (okay,okay, more like "some" mouse-clicking, lots of swearing and thinking of nasty thoughts about Yahoo!) all of the emails received from Beel so far documenting their adventures to and in Washington DC as they erect Athena's aunt's sculptures outside of the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian have been successfully uploaded to :

--> the FILES section at SB-r-Us
--> into the "Mr&Mrs Steen go to Washington" folder

There are currently 4 files in that folder (in chronological order):

(i)   Smithsonian Trip 2k7-Indiana.pdf (file size: 175 kb)
(ii)  Indiana to DC.pdf (file size: 294 kb)
(iii) 3-Getting started.pdf  (file size: 489 kb)
(iv)  The Materials.pdf  (file size: 729 kb)

Yes, they are fairly chunky files but the original emails were multi-megabyters that would take even longer to download.

Due to the glitches experienced in trying to upload the files to Yahoo! initially, DuckFoo'd (aka Mark Piepkorn) kindly offered to temporarily store the files on his server until Yahoo! got it's $#!+ together. And you can thank DuckFoo'd for converting the 3rd file above too to a PDF.


S'awright ? S'awright.

=== * ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
< A r c h i L o g i c  at   C h a f f Y a h o o  dot  C a  >
(winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply)