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RE: [Strawbale] garden staw bale office

Hello Patrick!  :-)

Donald was it you who posted a few months ago about your
render not drying??
How did it work out in the end??

Yes, that was me. It was fine ... it just took *ages*.

We think this is why.
As you'll recall we were doing the interior (your bits turned out real nice). The windows weren't in so the inside was cooling, but was getting no breeze or sun effect that the exterior had when we'd done that. Even on a November day, the sunshine with a little breeze had made a profound difference to the drying time on the exterior.

The interior had a more stable tempereature (cold) and no breeze, so it took a long time to dry ... nearly 2 weeks for the wall/ceiling corners. I just thought I had a bad batch of mortar or I'd done something stupid.

If you're down this way you're very welcome to come have a look.



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