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[Strawbale] garden staw bale office

can you send me some photos of your straw-bale garden
i would be very happy to see them

--- donald mchardy <fieryx@hotmail...> wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> >cannot go unchallenged,
> >... you are basically ignorant on the subject
> Fair points, glad it wasn't ignored and no offence
> taken
> >most people ... have never had the opportunity to
> study the science ... 
> >mathematical ... climate modelling works.
> I have 3 (science and engineering) degrees and
> regard my maths abilities to 
> be way, way above average.  I am also intimately
> familiar with scientific 
> principles and protocols - and the politics and
> realities of practicing 
> science. I have a keen interest in meteorology.
> My intention is to give the folks here a heads up
> (if they need it) as this 
> is not a climate change forum (as pointed out). 
> There were a couple of 
> links and points in my post (read it again) but
> don't take my word for it; 
> do your own research (proper research is never quick
> or easy). Science is 
> often in the detail and the best sources are in the
> meteorology publications 
> and not what the media say the meteorologists are
> saying.
> As a parthian shot, history is littered with
> examples of Big Government 
> hijacking science for their own ends. Don't confuse
> competent science with 
> competent media manipulation.
> As they say ... "bale on"
> D
> PS My straw-bale garden office is now completed. 
> woohoo! :-)
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