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[Strawbale] Renew or Subscribe to TLS NOW!

Title: Renew or Subscribe to TLS NOW!
Now is the time to renew your subscription or place a new subscription to The Last Straw.

The international journal of strawbale and natural building has been published since 1993 with the subscription rate of $28 for four issues (one year) remaining the same throughout this time.
As of January 2007, the subscription rate for 4 issues of The Last Straw will be $32 USD for North America (USA and Canada) and will remain at $36 for all other countries. This change is long overdue as postage and other costs have been rising steadily over the years, and we need to generate adequate income to keep up with these changes.

To renew or subscribe, contact the TLS Office in Lincoln, Nebraska, at 402.483.5135 (days, evenings and weekends) and pay by credit card. Or you can go to the TLS web site, print out the subscription/renewal form and mail it with your check, money order or credit card information to the GPFS/TLS, PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706. Or you may fax the form with your credit card information to 402.483.5161.

Don't Hesitate! Renew or Place Your Subscription Order Today! And please help TLS sustain itself by becoming a Sponsor! Your donation will be greatly appreciated.

If you have already renewed for 2007 or beyond, please send a generous contribution as a Sponsor to help cover operating expenses over and above publication costs.

If you live in a straw bale house or have a straw bale building, you should be subscribing to The Last Straw to continue to support this high quality publication - the record of the revival and development of straw bale and natural building worldwide.

If you are planning to build a straw bale and natural building for yourself as an owner/builder or for someone else as a professional, you should be subscribing to The Last Straw to keep up with the latest information about all aspects of design, construction, materials, energy systems, water and waste management and much more!

If you believe that straw bale and natural building is a sustainable approach to living lightly on the earth, you should be subscribing to The Last Straw.

If you are interested in exploring ways to improve design and construction of all types of buildings, you should be subscribing to The Last Straw.

If you prefer, please become a Sponsor and send a generous donation in support of this valuable and unique publication!

Thank you!

Joyce Coppinger, Managing Editor
The Last Straw journal
GPFS/TLS, PO Box 22706, Lincoln NE 68542-2706 USA
402.483.5135, fax 402.483.5161