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[Strawbale] Re: International Strawbale Homeowner Monitoring and Data-gathering Project (was Re: Moisture sensor redux

Sounds like an approach that's worth trying, Rob. I've signed myself on to the list, giving a grand total so far of two members.

Let's just be clear that Rob and I are agreed about the purpose of this new SB_Nerds-R-Us group, then:

- It isn't supposed to be in competition with any of the existing sb lists, but to provide a place where monitoring methodologies and results can be deposited and discussed. All the main points from that discussion should be summarised and posted on the other lists. - It isn't limited to any one type of climate, but I hope the discussion will recognise that what is appropriate for one climate is not necessarily appropriate for another, so hopefully in time we will come up with relevant monitoring strategies for different climate zones. - Any level of monitoring, using any type of monitoring equipment, is a fit subject for discussion. - Subject matter isn't necessarily limited to moisture, but that's where we start. - It is international, and the insights from all national/continental building traditions are to be welcomed, as is constructive criticism.

Is that OK, Rob?

I will let people know when it's ready to start properly. Meanwhile, those people who have already approached me privately about moisture monitoring, please be patient for a few days while I assemble all the "one of the first things" items that Rob identifies below (plus a few more).


Rob Tom wrote:

On Fri, 20 Oct 2006 01:45:51 -0400, Mark Bigland-Pritchard <mark@lowenergydesign...> wrote:

So how about an international monitoring programme specifically for
temperate maritime climates, using a standardised methodology. And we also need a lot more pinning down of straw properties -
mycological growth thresholds, thermal capacity, enthalpy of sorption,
vapour permeability, air permeability, etc.

Hmmm... didn't we try this before when you were doing your thesis and the response was pathetically non-existent ?

Notwithstanding what they say about people who repeat the same actions over and over again expecting a different result each time (insane) I'd love to see an international monitoring program and I don't care what sort of sensors are used, or if sensors are used at all (ie the weighed sample method would be perfectly acceptable).

I wouldn't limit it just to maritime climates though.
They may be one of the more interesting climates (from a moisture perspective) but it would be useful to potential SBH owners to see data relating to their own climes, maritime or not.

And I'd like to see the data posted at a website on an on-going basis with the homeowners putting up the monitoring data on their own, in a predetermined standard format (ie spreadsheet) so as to make collation and analysis quick and easy.

This would seem to suggest that a Yahoogroups site would be well-suited to the task.

I would offer the SB-r-us site for the project but I think that we are already stretching the allotted memory so I have just created a new site at:

Group name:          SB_Nerds-r-Us
Group home page:          http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SB_Nerds-r-Us
Group email:          SB_Nerds-r-Us@yahoogroups...
and I will make you (Mark) one of the group owners (but you'll have to subscribe yourself first) and once that is done, I will step aside and let you run the day-to-day operations and let you decide how the group works.

I would suggest that discussions on the monitoring project be kept on the main SB Lists (except perhaps for the most nerdy technical development details) and use the SB_Nerds-r-Us site mainly for data storage and display.

One of the first things that should probably go up at the Nerds site are detailed descriptions of what the sensors are, the advantages of each, step-by-step detailed fabrication (if applicable), supply sources and costs,installation instructions and data-gathering/reporting protocols etc. Okay that was more than one but I think you get the idea.

I would also like to see energy use (for space cooling/heating) monitoring data at the same site.

If such a time comes when the interest in such a project outgrows the resources provided by the Yahoogroups format, perhaps the monitoring participants would spring for a few dineros to pay for and maintain a real website ?

S'awright ? S'awright.

===* ===
Rob Tom
Kanata, Ontario, Canada
<archilogic at chaffyahoo dot ca>
winnow the chaff from my edress in your reply