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Re: [Strawbale] question

> dear Sir,
> I was visiting Google and found an artilce under:
> 'RAMstrobouw' , where a Email was shown, also with the names of Lars
> Keller and Walter Faas and
> the strawbale-amper-adress.
> I wonder how this can be shown here and what to do about it. It is not
> my intension to show mailcorrespondence in public.
> Can you help or explain how this is possible or how I can undo this ?
> regards,
> Rob Kaptein
> Stichting RAMstrobouw
> Monnikensteeg 103f
> 6823 AA Arnhem
> T 026 - 389 34 05
> F 026 - 389 36 19
> www.ramstrobouw.nl
> ____________________________________________________
>     European strawbale building discussion list
> Send all messages to:
> Strawbale@amper....muni.cz
> Archives, subscription options, etc:
> http://amper.ped.muni.cz/mailman/listinfo/strawbale
> ____________________________________________________
Dear Rob

When you write an email to <strawbale@amper....muni.cz> it is always "in
public", this is an open forum, where everybody who is interested can take a
look to and all registered users can write questions and answers.
Google finds this sites, because it is internet, but why worry? Your
email-adress is even mentioned on your homepage. And this is public too...

Best wishes, Herbert Gruber, ASBN