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Re: [Strawbale] ESBN- Meeting in 2007!?

Bonjour Dirk,

It would be great if a next ESBN meeting would be organised in Germany in 2007. Please don't organise it between mid april - mid october as (to state the obvious) most active SB builders find it difficult to come during the building season.

good luck,


Dirk Scharmer - Architekturbüro WAND4 a écrit :
Good day!
Last weekend on our annual FASBA-Meeting there appeared a group of engaged
people who could imagine to organise a esbn Meeting in 2007 in germany.
Not knowing if there is anyone out there who is already organising one, or
any good arguments for other places or something else...

Dirk Scharmer

Fachverband Strohballenbau Deutschland e.V. Auf der Ruebekuhle 10
D- 21335 Lueneburg
Tel. 00 49 4131- 727804
Fax. 00 49 4131- 727805 Internet: www.fasba.de
Email: ds@fasba...

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