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[Strawbale] Workshops and Festival

Dear balers,
we are organising two workshops (introduction Workshop and advanced workshop) about “Modern construction and renovation with strawbales” from September, 15th to 22nd 2006. These events will take place at the site of the “Center for Appropriate Technology" in Böheimkirchen (Lower Austria, 40km east from Vienna) right beside the internationally awarded “S-HOUSE”.

The aim is to demonstrate self building technologies by means of renovating an old barn. Straw bale building and passive house standard combined will be shown. The wooden construction as well as the old fasade will be kept and a straw bale insulation added.
This workshop will include both theoretical and practical parts. The workshops will be guided by Rober Wimmer (A), Hannes Hohensinner(A) and Werner Schmidt (CH).

These workshops targets on self builders as well as architects, craftsmen, and constructors.

A detailed description of the workshops programme and the benefits as well as the conditions for participation you will find at
We also invite you to the S-FEST (S-PARTY) in cosy strawbale atmosphere on September, 16th. (free entry)

More information:
Alma Becic
Fax: +43 1 58801 49523
Mail: ab@grat...

Best regards
Dr. Robert Wimmer
GrAT - Center for appropriate Technology.

DI Hannes Hohensinner
GrAT / TU Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße
A-1040 Wien
T: +43 1 58801-49523
F: +43 1 58801-49533

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