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[Strawbale] Invitation for a workshop in Istanbul

Dear all;

Bugday Association is an environmental organization working on
creating examples of and supporting the existing sustainable consuming
and production activities such as organic agriculture, fare and safe
alimentation, eco agro tourism, waste management, eco friendly
architecture-building, etc. for the last 16 years in Turkey.

One of Bugday's projects is cultivating an organic garden in Istanbul
as a model for community supported agriculture. Hakan Kök, a Bugday
Association member, allotted 30,000 square meters of land

For the project in Cumhuriyet Village, approximately 35 km from
Istanbul. We are now planning together to construct a load bearing
straw-bale house near the farm. The building will be used partly as
living quarters of a farmer family, who will keep an eye on the fields
(40-45m2) and partly as an education center consisting of a classroom,
an office and a toilet (50-55m2). The educational purpose will serve
different groups (farmers, elementary school children, anyone
interested in sustainable living) who will come here to experience
ecological farming and country life as well as to participate at
learning workshops on ecology and sustainable living. Also through
this project Bugday would like raise awareness about ecological
building and straw bale houses which is not much known in Turkey. The
event will be publicized through Bugday's media organs (web, Bugday
ecological living magazine, e-newsletter, etc…)

The construction will start at 2nd of July and last approximity 2-3
weeks. It will be held as a workshop and architecture students from
Technical University of Istanbul will be working during design and
construction voluntarily. Friedrike Fuchs from Germany will be leading
the construction site.

People, who wish to join the workshop, are welcome. We will provide
accommodation in a very nice traditional North Anatolian load bearing
log house and fresh ecological food will be supplied during the
construction. You may bring your tents if you like; camping will be
possible in our organic garden. Transportation will not be offered and
attendence during the whole construction period is expected.

For more information please contact Arda Sander (ardasander@gmail...)
and/or Filiz Telek from Bugday (project contact person from Bugday) at
filiz@bugday...  as soon as possible. . .

Best wishes and warm greeting to everyone.

Arda Sander, Architect
Filiz Telek, Learning Coordinator, Bugday