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[Strawbale] RE: re re re The BIG question for Eric (Michael Lough)

Eric Larmett said

The concept of interstitial condensation is well known. This is
to occur when the outer face is sealed.


Condensation as a result of warm atmospheric humid air contained within a bale wall meeting cooler humid air either as a result of an interstitial convection current within the bale wall "circulating" the air (or possibly as a result of simple thermal transfer from a warm interior through an impermeable interior plaster or stucco to a more humid air space within the bale wall ) do both rely on the ability of the outer "skin" of the bale wall to wick out moisture during a drying period. I think I have this right.

It is generally assumed by many that a bale wall will if wetted by rain from directly above (through the middle) that it will not dry out before microbial activity begins, it is further assumed by many that a bale wall if wetted into the sides of the bale wall by up to 4 inches or so will dry out if uncoated (or coated with a sufficiently vapour permeable coating like Lime/sand only render or earthen plaster) but possibly not or at least not sufficiently well enough or quick enough in some regions of the world to guarantee that the bale sides will dry to below the around 20 percent moisture level (recognised as the point where microbial activity is going to begin) in time.

The central question is of course will the addition of Portland cement to a render mix "tip the scale" in some regions (perhaps over a fairly long time period ) to creating a less than adequate drying regime and thereby creating the circumstances that prelude rot, it could be argued that keeping moisture out is as important as letting it out after it has become damp but this does not allow for humid interstitial "air simple" to exist within a bale wall and for this to be able to be condensed by warmth through an interior plastered wall over time and consequently have no means of getting out ( if the outside wall is coated with an insufficiently vapour permeable coating such as one containing Portland cement).

The idea of rainscreens is not unique in the straw bale world but it is recognised that the bales on the outside should still be coated with something like earthen or even lime/sand render but then it will possibly not have the thermal efficiency of a thicker coating nor preclude the possibility of in bale convection currents still meeting colder humid air at the outside edge (dew point) or further toward the middle (or at the top of the bale wall) depending on the geographic location of course.This is an inexact science still (part of its "charm" of course) that has not stood the test of time (using Portland cement in a mix in the North East of North America or perhaps in cooler wetter parts of Europe. Britain comes to mind of course. As far as I understand it has been concluded that Portland cement containing render is "allowed and therefore must have been the subject of code approval scrutiny in Canada and therefore testing but I have yet to see this and therefore I am interested in any research on this subject.

Michael Lough