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[Strawbale] the BIG question

sorry for lateness in replying but have been distracted recently?

"There have been reports of "failed" straw walls in NE America with some admitting the damage was likely caused by dampness but no admission of the dampness being caused by convection currents within a wall, therefore no remediation has been undertaken as it has not been proved. Which of course means here "business as usual"

+++I wonder how many of these failed walls were plastered with a cement based render/stucco?
I know the Americans like their straw bale buildings cement stuccoed.

A generalisation I'm afraid. It is true that Portland/Lime mixes are used and one Strawbale commercial group in Canada has even accepted web "sponsorship" from a Portland cement manufacturer but Portland use in plaster is not the case all over North America. In the US there are quite a lot of Lime/sand plastered structures I believe. The heritage of straw bale appears to me at least to be more Arts/craft conscious less "industrial" than in Canada.

The issue of Portland containing plasters (not stucco, that is gypsum based I believe) and the effect it may create once on straw over time in a humid region is one I am not that informed on. But it appears that the test of time is underway. One hears of problems and discussion and then nothing?No resolution, no rockingthe boat. Time perhaps unfortunately will tell?But then again I may be "outside" the truth. There is doubt here in quiet corners.

The real problem is the cost of real industrial testing of straw bales.

++I think if you are going to use an organic material in a buildings structure, provision for air movement through that structure becomes paramount, even at the loss of thermal performance.

It depends on the amount of the moisture in the air and at what point does this warmed moist air come into contact with outside conditions which will then turn the moisture back into water? This is the question. The dew point can move with the seasons also.

What could happen if say heat went into plaster from the inside which warms the air immediately inside the bale Will this heat rise through the bale(s) If there is air inside the bales why wouldnt it? And would this air form a convection current inside the bales albeit a slow one. If the outside is cold then the warm air would meet the colder outer bale inside surface at some point and condensation would result ?? Would Portland allow for "expiration"? Doubtful as it is used for swimming pools?

++"sealing" in a straw bale wall with cement plaster seams like asking for trouble unless it is a dry climate.

I share your instincts.Many others do as well. In Canada the potential for problems is not seemingly acknowledged by everyone .

It would be interesting and very useful to have a reference to straw bale wall "failures" to learn from, is anyone making a comprehensive record of these situations?

let it move, let it breathe!

The single most important problem of building with straw bales is not the subject of a permanent record. (not one that I have seen anyway)

It seems as though the collective attitude is to not give straw bale construction a bad name while these problems are discussed quietly. The trouble is that there are some perhaps less scrupulous individuals that believe that no apparent discussion means no problems which means using Portland is OK.

its all a bit disturbing ?



   From: "Michael lough" <michaelklough@sympatico...>
Reply-To: mkl18@pobox..., European strawbale building discussions<strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
To: strawbale@amper....muni.cz
Subject: [Strawbale] convection currents within a straw bale wall?
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 13:07:49 +0000

Mark said?

There is a disparity between directly-measured U-values for strawbale walls and U-values calculated from measured thermal conductivity of bale samples; the best explanation anyone has been able to give for this is slow convection currents in - or rather around the outside of - the bale wall. The disparity was worst in the case of the least professionally plastered test in the US. I would therefore expect the thermal performance of a system which uses cladding _instead of_ external render to be substandard.

This seems akin to the "theory " that there is the possibility of moisture produced within a bale wall being part of the convection current. And this being condensed at the top to moisten the outside top wall and in worst case scenarios (presumably in more humid climates) maintain a permananent risen damp within the straw bale wall which could if not in a few months probably over years produce the conditions for microbial activity ??

I understand someone called Jenik is active with unfunded experiments in Europe to test various methods of stopping this moisture transfer. Do we assume by his activity and your acknowledgement of a concensus on the probability of convection currents in a straw bale wall that there is room for concern in parts of the world where humidity is a factor such as Northern Europe and parts of North America? There have been reports of "failed" straw walls in NE America with some admitting the damage was likely caused by dampness but no admission of the dampness being caused by convection currents within a wall, therefore no remediation has been undertaken as it has not been proved. Which of course means here "business as usual".

Care to comment?


Michael Lough

  European strawbale building discussion list

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From: Oliver <obswann@btinternet...>
Reply To: European strawbale building discussions <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
To: "European strawbale building discussions" <strawbale@amper....muni.cz>
Subject: [Strawbale] Tadelakt on strawbale
Sent: May 3, 2006 10:53:20 PM

Does anyone have any experience of tadelakt on strawbale? Is there anyone out there who could run a tadelakt workshop in Scotland.

There are a variety of volunteer opportunities on www.naturalhomes.org. If you would like to post your workshop on naturalhomes.org to attract volunteer workers please send me details.



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